The programme is aimed at organisations which are interested to be engaged in and informed about the development of the pan-European eLTER Research Infrastructure (RI) and which perform activities relevant for eLTER. Via the eLTER Preparatory Phase Associate Partnership Programme (eLTER PPP-APP), such organisations can become involved in a systematic exchange with the project, whereby the partnership will be extended beyond the project consortium.

What will you get as an eLTER PPP-APP member?
  • Involvement: You will be part of the ongoing evolution of the eLTER RI, receive regularly updated information and be enabled to articulate your desires and views and also raise possible concerns. 
  • Influence: You will get your say, for instance regarding eLTER standards and processes. 
  • Learn: You are entitled to access the dedicated eLTER PPP-APP online resources and take part in specific trainings offered by eLTER (in collaboration with the project eLTER PLUS). 
  • Network: You will be invited to eLTER meetings and workshops and online events and be enabled to make new contacts among the eLTER community. 
  • Get support: The status of Associate Partner may provide leverage in national negotiations and necessary critical mass for your national LTER network, and, thereby, foster the inclusion of eLTER in your national RI roadmap. 
  • Free-of-charge membership: Signing up for the programme will not result in any compulsory costs.
Which prerequisites must be fulfilled?
  • Organisational involvement in activities pertinent to eLTER
    Your organisation – an RPO (Research Performing Organisation), public or private non-profit entity, educational institution, or interested SME – (Small or Medium Enterprise) must be linked to your national LTER network through pertinent activities.

  • eLTER MoU signed 
    The eLTER MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) must be formally signed by an authorised representative of your organisation (please use this signature form).

  • eLTER PPP-APP accession form filled in
    Once the form is submitted to eLTER PPP, the eLTER PPP Steering Committee will evaluate your application. You will then be contacted regarding the outcome and next steps.

  • Contact person(s) defined
    One or more contact person(s) are expected to represent each member organisation of the eLTER PPP-APP and to dedicate some of their working time to interaction with the eLTER PPP and to respond to requests.

  • The respective national LTER coordinator’s acknowledgement
    Your national coordinator must be informed about and consent to your application and participation in the eLTER PPP-APP (if needed, we will gladly provide the contact to you).
What you will be expected to contribute?
  • Activity: The eLTER PPP consortium wishes to get into a personal exchange with representatives of your organisation to learn about your opinions and views regarding various elements of the eLTER RI development.
  • Experience: We wish to learn about your organisation’s specific hands-on experiences, including eLTER related data supply and data usage.
  • Feedback: We will send out requests to read and comment some of our planning documents. For a personal exchange, the optional participation in meetings and workshops is encouraged.
How will it work?

Listing on the eLTER website:

  • Each member organisation of the eLTER PPP-APP will be listed in the dedicated website section including the organisation name and logo.

Online resources:

  • A document repository will be set up as an information hub specifically for the eLTER PPP-APP members’ work. This repository contains pertinent documents regarding the eLTER RI development.
  • The eLTER PPP-APP member representatives will be included in a specific mailing list and receive information from eLTER (beyond the general newsletter content) approximately every other month.

Exceptional travel funding:

  • Some representatives may receive travel funding to pertinent workshops if their participation is essential and they are unable to fund their travel from other sources.

eLTER PPP contact point:

Members of the eLTER PPP-APP

Universidade de Aveiro


TSSG-WIT Waterford Institute of Technology


Umeå Marine Sciences Centre, Umeå University


University of Applied Sciences Trier – Environmental Campus Birkenfeld


UVMV Veterinary University Vienna


WCL WasserCluster Lunz Biologische Station GmbH


LUKE The Natural Resources Institute Finland


MRI Mountain Research Initiative, c/o University of Bern


CAESCG-UAL Andalusian Center for Monitoring and Assessment Global Change. University of Almería


Abisko Scientific Research Station


UHASSELT Centre for Environmental Sciences/Hasselt University


NW-FVA Northwest German Forest Research Institute


Univerity of Liege: Dep. Biology, Ecology and Evolution, InBioS, Laboratory of Plant and Microbial Ecology, Liège University


SFI Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije / Slovenian Forestry Institute


ZALF Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung e. V. / Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research


Meise Botanic Garden


To apply for APP-membership, please download the below form, fill it in and return it to It should be signed by a person who may sign on behalf of the legal entity.

eLTER PPP-APP accession form

The PPP-APP addresses all organisations which have signed the eLTER Memorandum of Understanding.


If your organisation has not yet joined our MoU, we invite you to do so. Please arrange for the signature form below to be signed by an appropriate representative of your legal entity.

eLTER MoU Signature Form