Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

eLTER joins the EuroGEO Action Group on ecosystems, biodiversity and geodiversity

24 January 2023

EuroGEO is Europe’s part of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) - a worldwide network working to build a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). The aim is to provide a coherent picture of environmental and Earth observation in Europe by combining existing Earth observation assets and initiatives. Fundamental to this is the provision of in-situ data for calibration and validation purposes which was emphasized several times during a recent EuroGEO workshop.

eLTER was represented at the event by Michael Mirtl (EAA, UFZ), Saku Anttila (SYKE) and Ulf Mallast (UFZ). In their presentations they outlined the potential of eLTER as an in-situ data provider with a long-term focus and Europe-wide coverage, both of which are drawbacks with respect to current in-situ data provision.

Following several discussions with representatives of GEO, KCEO, EEA, ESA, and Copernicus, eLTER will initiate the formation of an expert group with all representatives to start a dialogue around how to include eLTER in EuroGEO and to begin co-designing in-situ data monitoring for calibration and validation purposes.

eLTER will also be part of the “EuroGEO Action Group on ecosystems, biodiversity and geodiversity” which was re-initiated within the framework of the EuroGeo workshop and will be provisionally led by Antonello Provenzale. eLTER will join Lifewatch ERIC, the European Geoparks Network, Biodiversa+, the University of Twente, Deltares, CNR, the University of Bayreuth, CREA, CERTH, the Center for Integrated Monitoring of the Natural Environment and the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in this group.

Four specific themes will be at the centre of the Action Group’s intention to pilot applications. During an inaugural meeting, the close interaction with European Research Infrastructures, regarded as being at the core of data and knowledge sharing, was noted.
