Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Expanding our reach: eLTER joins Instagram

14 April 2023

We are excited to announce the launch of the eLTER Instagram account: europeanlter!

To ensure that the eLTER community reaches out to as wide an audience as possible, we launched the eLTER Instagram account. As of January 2023, the majority of Instagram users (around 77%) are between the age of 18 - 44. eLTER puts a special focus on reaching early career researchers, one of the main target audiences of the project. Apparently, Instagram is the place to be.

Being an entirely visual platform, Instagram will aid us in showcasing eLTER’s Grand Campaign. We will present photos and videos of the spectacular sites and platforms and the surrounding resilient flora of the multiple eLTER member countries across Europe (and Israel) that will be visited in the coming months. 

Along with the already existing social media profiles on Facebook, Twitterand LinkedIn (as well as YouTube), the eLTER Instagram profile will contribute to sharing information and updates regularly, promoting research infrastructure sites in and beyond Europe.

Photo: A Mollusk shell found at the Park Shaked Israeli eLTER site, as seen during the Grand Campaign visit.