Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

A free online course on air quality and pollution starts in November

16 October 2023

A 3-week free online course on air quality entitled “Air pollution: causes and impacts” is open for registration and will start on 6 November 2023.

The course shares the basics of air pollution and its effects. You will be able to study in an entirely self-paced format and will have the possibility to start the course almost all along the year. During the first week, you will discover the major causes of outdoor and indoor air pollution. The next two weeks detail the environmental, economic and health impacts of this pollution.

Enrolment and more details can be found here. Join to better understand current and future challenges concerning air pollution! The MOOC is in English with subtitles in English/French/Spanish and Portuguese available on all the videos.
