Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Opportunity: 3 Job offers at KIT

20 February 2023

The KIT Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK-AAF) offers three jobs for expanding and strengthening the team responsible for designing and building the new atmospheric simulation chamber AIDAc2 and the service chamber AIDAs. Both activities are funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research through the ACTRIS-D projects targeting the implementation of the KIT National Facilities and the Topical Center for Cloud in situ Measurements (CIS) to become an important part of the pan-European Infrastructure ACTRIS.

Postdoc (Physicist/Chemist)
Job description: Design, construct and implement the new infrared spectro-scopic techniques (FTIR and TDL) at the new atmospheric simulation chambers AIDAc2 and AIDAs.
Education and background: PhD in physics or chemistry (or equivalent), knowledge of optical spectroscopy, experience in building and operating FTIR and/or TDL systems.
Duration: 2 years (part-time contract possible)
Salary: EG 13, if appropriate
Contact: Dr. Ottmar Möhler (
Dr. Kristina Höhler (

Engineer / Physicist
Job description: Design and engineer technical components of the new atmospheric simulation chambers AIDAc2 and AIDAs. Develop and apply fluid dynamics and physico-chemical process models for optimizing the chamber configuration and technical components.
Education and background: Master or Diploma degree (University) in physics or engineering with a back- ground in fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and aerosol physics. Experience with fluid dynamics and process modelling is required. Experience with CAD or Labview development and application is welcome.
Duration: 3 years (part-time contract possible)
Salary: EG 13, if appropriate
Contact: Dr. Ottmar Möhler (
Dr. Kristina Höhler (

Technician / Engineer
Job description: Construct and implement the technical and analytical components for the new atmospheric simulation chambers AIDAc2 and AIDAs.
Education and background: University degree (Bachelor/FH/DH) in mechanical engineering (or equivalent). Experience in CAD construction with Autodesk Inventor is required. Good knowledge of sensor technology and LabView and experience in setting up technical component and scientific experiments are welcome
Duration: 2 years (part-time contract possible)
Salary: EG 10, if appropriate
Contact: Dr. Ottmar Möhler (
Dr. Kristina Höhler (

The deadline for applications is February 28, 2023.
Please apply online by using the link at the bottom of the KIT job offer pages (see the links given above). 
