Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Senior Scientist on science-policy interactions

18 April 2022

NILU’s research is of direct relevance to human health and the environment. A key activity area of expertise is in the science-policy interface where NILU provides support to the development and implementation of air quality and climate change policies in Europe.

It is seeking for a senior scientist/scientist with interest and capabilities to strengthen its activities on science-policy interaction, to support international and national environmental policy processes and policy/legislation development and implementation in relation to air quality and climate research.

The successful candidate will become a member of its policy support team and support the work NILU does for the EEA within the ETC-HE. A key role for the candidate will be to support the management of activities within the ETC-HE consortium and the information flows between NILU, ETC-HE and EEA, as well as coordinating and contributing to the research and outreach activities within this ETC. The candidate will also support the activities for the European Commission and is expected in time to lead such policy-interaction activities.

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