Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Welcoming new people to the eLTER Head Office

17 July 2022

eLTER would like to welcome three new people to its Head Office: Claudia Schuetze, Charlotte Wiederkehr and Uta Koedel.

Claudia Schuetze has her background in physics and geophysics and held a professorship in electrical engineering. She has worked for the UFZ since 2009 and coordinated several geophysical research projects. Since 2017 she has led the implementation and coordination of the MOSES RI (Modular Observation Solutions for Earth Systems) of the German Helmholtz Community. This research infrastructure is focused on the observation of extreme events such as droughts or floods from the event generation to its impacts across the compartments.

Charlotte Wiederkehr has an academic background in European Studies and Sustainable Development. In the context of her PhD she investigated dynamics between climate change, human migration and resource conflicts. She has lived in Argentina, Brazil, Namibia, the Netherlands and Portugal and enjoys collaborating in multicultural and interdisciplinary environments. She is looking forward to supporting the dayto- day research infrastructure business as well as the Integrated Governance of eLTER while being based at the Head Office in Leipzig.

Uta Koedel is a geophysicist, interested in: developing suitable hierarchical monitoring approaches for complex heterogeneous environmental systems; studying the interaction of processes in different compartments; evaluating the variability of sensor measurements; and establishing the requirements to evaluate the trustworthiness of data (FAIR+). She has worked for the International Institute for Applied System Analysis in Austria and the Japanese Environmental Agency. Since 2007, she is working at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ.

From left to right: Claudia Schuetze, Charlotte Wiederkehr and Uta Koedel.