Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research


12 November 2017
The Roles of Remote Sensing in Nature Conservation. A Practical Guide and Case Studies by Díaz-Delgado, Lucas and Hurford is published by Springer                 During recent decades, a rapid increase in available data sources has enabled researchers to develop hundreds of new remote sensing applications using data provided by new sensors attached to satellites, aircrafts and drones. However, a major challenge remains unresolved: how to transfer the k...
23 October 2017
Dr Michael Mirtl, Chair of eLTER and ILTER, is attending the event, along with representatives from related European environmental research infrastructures (RIs). On Monday 23rd, he spoke about European and global long-term ecosystem research (LTER) site networks during a side event coordinated by the ENVRIplus EU project.During his talk, Dr Mirtl explained the potential for in situ LTER sites and networks to contribute to earth observation and remote sensing, including to initiatives such as Eu...
7 September 2017
This paper considers the benefits linking two approaches - Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBV) and Ecosystem Integrity (EI) -  in the context of two global networks - ILTER and GEO BON.                 The lead author, Peter Haase, along with many of the paper's co-authors, is involved in European LTER and it's development. Abstract Global change effects on biodiversity and human well-being call for improved long-term environmental data as...
20 May 2017
The Brief 'Pursuing benefits for nature and society' presents some of the key research findings and practical experiences presented at the international ALTER-Net conference in May 2017 on ‘Nature and society: synergies, conflicts, trade-offs’. It formulates calls to policymakers that follow from these findings and experiences as well as from the panel debate that was part of the conference.Key messages in the Policy Brief are:Considering multiple values, including relational values, is essentia...
13 May 2017
Earlier this year, 23 projects were approved for funding via eLTER H2020’s first call for Transnational Access project proposals. Many of these research trips have now taken place, and several of the researchers and site managers involved have written blog posts about their experiences. We’ve teamed up with the US-based SSALTER blogs (Short Stories About Long-Term Research), which provides a great platform for hosting the articles. So far we’ve received stories from: Whim, a Scottish bog,...
15 November 2016
The 10th anniversary of the Italian LTER network, which comprises terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine sites, will be marked with a conference in Mantova, Italy, on November 16th. The event will be an opportunity to present the results of 10 years of intense environmental research and observation, to celebrate past projects and to discuss new initiatives. Participants will discuss the achievements of LTER-Italy during this 10 year period and identify areas on which to focus efforts in...
14 November 2016
Several representatives of the eLTER Research Infrastructure that is being developed via the eLTER ESFRI initiative, attended the 3rd ENVRI week in Prague. ENVRI week, which takes place twice a year in November and May, is dedicated to Environmental Research Infrastructures, and is organised by the ENVRIplus project.As well as sessions relating to ENVRIPlus work themes, there were additional sessions such as a joint session between environmental RIs and the Copernicus programme that is...
11 November 2016
The International Long-Term Ecological Research network (ILTER) represents the global umbrella for the formal LTER-Europe Regional Group. ILTER has been formally accepted as a Participating Organisation of GEO, the global Group on Earth Observations, following an application by ILTER’s chair, Michael Mirtl. Barbara Ryan, Secretariat Director of GEO was so impressed by ILTER’s global network of sites and their documentation in DEIMS that she encouraged ILTER to apply for GEO participant status. F...
14 October 2016
From 10-13 October 2016, three hundred delegates from around the globe gathered in Skukuza in South Africa's Kruger National Park for the first ILTER Open Science Meeting.                 This landmark event, the first of its kind organised by ILTER (the International Long-Term Ecological Research network), provided an opportunity for scientists to share the research carried out at long-term research sites around the world. In all, some 160 presentation...
18 September 2016
The eLTER H2020 project’s Core Team (comprising the coordinator and Work Package leaders and their deputies), met in Rome recently to review progress with the project. eLTER H2020 has been running for 18 months. Excellent progress has been made in many areas of the project, which is generally running to the planned schedule. A range of deliverables has already been produced and more are at an advanced stage of completion. The team also took the opportunity to review tasks and...