Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research


24 July 2023
The Portuguese LTsER Montado platform currently has several active research projects:- Project RENEWAL aims tot promote the resilience of agroforestry systems in drylands to a more arid future, ensuring ecosystem functions and services. It addresses climate change effects on oak woodlands (montados), semi-natural agroforestry systems of high ecological and socio-economic importance, that are an important ecosystem type southern Portugal. Montados are highly vulnerable to climate change and are c...
24 July 2023
Prof. Dr. Harry Vereecken has been awarded the 2023 Alfred Wegener Medal & Honorary Membership for his groundbreaking contributions to soil-plant-atmosphere research with a focus on subsurface processes related to the hydrological and biochemical cycles. Not only has he greatly advanced the specific research on the subject, but perhaps more importantly, he has been an integrator of connecting the individual sub-processes and sub-disciplines.In an interview he gave for eLTER regarding his awa...
21 July 2023
eLTER Business Plan and Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (SEIA) Framework development services tender is now open. Qualified applicants can apply by 25 August 2023, 2pm EET, and offer services regarding the Business plan, SEIA or both. The applications in English are accepted.eLTER Business planWe are looking for support in developing the eLTER Business plan - a central document for the success of eLTER that will be used when approaching the potential eLTER members, private sector and funders as...
18 July 2023
The scientific term succession describes the mechanisms by which inanimate or disturbed areas are colonised by living organisms. In the Rotmoos valley near Obergurgl, such succession studies have been carried out for decades. The glacier that originally dominated the valley has been melting for over 150 years, releasing areas for recolonisation.As a result, this open-air laboratory continues to reveal new findings. In a long-term study carried out by a group of researchers at the University of I...
12 July 2023
From 18 – 22 June 2023, the eLTER General Executive Team (GET) met at the Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station in Finland, a respected multidisciplinary research facility known for its long-term ecological research initiatives. The biodiverse environments provided an ideal setting for focused reflections and discussions, interactive social activities and hikes to significant and picturesque locations.During the meeting, GET members had the opportunity to identify and discuss the challenges lying ahea...
11 July 2023
eLTER Head Office and General Executive Team (GET) are searching for a candidate to take over and support the eLTER coordination and ESFRI process. The job position offers a great opportunity to join an international and interdisciplinary team, grow into science/project management and work at the science-policy interface.The candidate will become part of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) which is the lead institution of the eLTER ESFRI process, aiming at the establishment of...
10 July 2023
The eLTER whole system approach (WAILS) workshop took place in Gran Paradiso National Park in Italy on 12-16 June 2023. It brought together 20 participants from 11 countries and diverse research areas.The workshop took the form of a summer school, with the first days focused on lectures that explained in depth the WAILS approach of eLTER. This is a holistic view on the ecosystem that combines bio-geo-hydro and socio-ecology. The workshop also looked at the long-term research conducted...
3 July 2023
The Department of Environmental Sciences at Stockholm University is looking for two PhD students in Environmental Science to work on the project "Feedbacks between a changing climate and vegetation: The role of volatile organic compounds and biogenic aerosols (CLIVE)".The goal of the project is to study a small fraction of the carbon taken up by plants and which is released back into the atmosphere as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The research will focus on better quantification of the curr...
27 June 2023
ATMO-ACCESS (Solutions for Sustainable Access to Atmospheric Research Facilities) is an integrated activity for research infrastructures in the field of environmental sciences for the establishment of a comprehensive and sustainable framework for access to distributed atmospheric Research Infrastructures and to ensure optimised access and use of the services they provide to users.The ATMO-ACCESS Coordination and Project Office is currently looking for a Project Manager with a 1-year fi...
27 June 2023
The Climate and Environmental Research Institute (NILU) is responsible for the Norwegian national monitoring program for greenhouse gases and particles. It carries out its measurements at its observatories at Zeppelin (Svalbard), Birkenes (Southern Norway) and Trollhaugen (Antarctica). NILU's measurements are part of international monitoring networks such as ICOS, AGAGE and ACTRIS.NILU’s department for Measurement and Instrumentation Technology (MIT) is looking for a Senior engineer/researcher (...
4 April 2022
Raising awareness on Gender Equality issues is part of eLTER’s Strategic Plan. This year, as part of this objective, eLTER held a celebratory event to increase the visibility of research done by women in the network. The online event opened with an introduction to the eLTER Gender Equality plan by Terhi Rasilo (UH/Finland). Next, Alessandra Pugnetti (CNR/Italy) talked about Walking on "uncomfortable " paths to explore a broader idea of Nature based on experience in LTER-Italy. Pugnetti’s ta...
1 April 2022
Looking backwards eLTER can duly state to have made the best of the time since Covid-19 hit the globe in March 2020. In teams from 26 countries we have elaborated many components of the eLTER Research Infrastructure´s foundation. Reasonably sized groups of established teams have partly been even more efficient, when virtually collaborating on concrete tasks. However, we all have experienced the limitations of virtual interaction beyond certain group sizes, in attracting and integrating new exper...
3 January 2022
Thomas Dirnböck (Umweltbundesamt, Austria, and LTER site Zöbelboden) talked at the COP26 side event „Atmospheric Deposition, the invisible threat – impacts on agriculture, ecosystem and oceans”, organized by the WMO. He presented the latest scientific results regarding Nitrogen deposition effects in ecosystems including water pollution with nitrate, biodiversity loss but also changes in the potential of ecosystems to absorb or release greenhouse gases.In order to better assess the impacts posed...
30 December 2021
The first Periodic review meetings of both eLTER PPP and eLTER PLUS took place at the end of October 2021. From the projects’ side, the coordination and Work Package leads were present, and from the Commission’s side the project officer, Pierre Quertenmont. Richard Bradshaw (University Leeds, UK) was an external evaluator.The Review meetings consisted of a general introduction by the coordination, Work Package (WP) specific presentations by WP leads highlighting the most important outcomes of th...
27 December 2021
Five years after its establishment (2016), the LTER-Greece network has outlined its vision, aims, objectives and its achievements through a series of case studies in an article published in the WATER journal. The network consists of eight observatories, focusing on innovative research topics, aiming to be both cooperative and complementary. The article describes the design of the LTER-Greece network, its research priorities as well as recent interdisciplinary research collaboration results, as a...
21 December 2021
On 23rd November 2021 Kevin Bishop (Sweden), the new Chairperson of the eLTER Interim Council (Ministerial delegations) met several members of the eLTER team (Jaana Bäck, Terhi Rasilo, Marjut Kaukolehto & Michael Mirtl) in Helsinki, Finland.A full day was dedicated to clarifying several strategic eLTER matters, discussing the status of eLTER across 26 countries and working on the agenda of the third eLTER Interim Council (IC), to be held on 28 and 29 January 2022.A deeper understanding of th...
8 December 2021
eLTER announces its call for funded Transnational Access (TA) and Remote Access (RA) for scientists working in the areas of biodiversity, biogeochemistry, hydrology or socio-ecological research.All 38 sites in 19 countries are equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation to enable comprehensive ecological measurement and experimental campaigns. The long-term data on those sites is available to compare with or to be used as a reference. Likewise, state-of-the-art socio-economic research is cond...
10 November 2021
Between 20 and 22 October the eLTER PPP and PLIS consortia and important guests gathered online during the Mars meeting, the fourth big virtual event since the beginning of the pandemic. In addition to the project consortia, the members of the eLTER Associate Partnership Programme were also invited. The meeting consisted of an opening and wrap-up plenary and self-organised sessions convened by Work package, Theme- or Gearwheel-leads. In addition to an overview of the status and achievements...
2 November 2021
Plant biomass production is co-dependent on climatic and edaphic factors, which in turn are under increasingly anthropogenic pressure. Disentangling effects of climate and soil on plant biomass production is challenging, especially along large climatic gradients. To address this, a multispecies phytometer was developed (i.e., standardized plant community in local site soils and a standardized substrate) and installed in 18 sites across a pan-European aridity gradient.The study revealed that arid...
1 November 2021
On 8 September 2021, NWO (Dutch Research Council) presented the new National Roadmap for Large-Scale Research Infrastructure 2021 to the minister of education, culture and science Ingrid van Engelshoven. The eLTER Dutch team is happy and pleased to announce that eLTER-NL is on this roadmap. This does not guarantee funding, but it greatly improves the chances of obtaining financial support. To do this important task, eLTER-NL will write a joint application together with LifeWatch (LifeWatch...
16 February 2022
The 11th International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2022) will be held during September 4th-9th, 2022, both virtually and physically in Athens, Greece. The call for abstract is now open (deadline for submissions: March 4th, 2022). Authors can submit their abstract to one of the available topics or special session, which include aerosol technology, atmospheric aerosol studies, atmospheric measurements techniques, aerosol and health, basic aerosol processes. Find more here.
10 February 2022
FORECOMON 2022 - The 10th Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Conference will take place on 30 May - 1 June 2022 and will be followed by the 38th Task Force Meeting of ICP Forests, taking place on 1 - 3 June 2022. The Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) is the host of both events and is kindly making local arrangements. Both events will be organized as hybrid meetings to account for the possibility of restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.The following keynote speakers will participate in the...
25 January 2022
Lund University is looking for a research engineer to work fulltime within ACTRIS Sweden, a national research infrastructure project recently approved by the Swedish Research Council. The research engineer will handle and service several instruments for long-term observations of atmospheric aerosols and reactive trace gases at the Lund University combined ICOS-ACTRIS station at Hyltemossa in southern Sweden.The research engineer will also maintain and further develop the additional equipment and...
24 January 2022
The Earth and Mission Science Division is a dynamic R&D team leading research and development activities, in partnership with European and international industry and academia, with the aim of advancing science, developing future space missions, novel applications, and helping to maximise the science impact of missions in implementation and future mission candidates.ESA is currently searching for Internal Research Fellowship Opportunity in the Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes.Learn...
23 January 2022
As part of the SOFOG-3D measurement campaign that took place in 2018, the Pierre Simon Laplace Institute (Paris) and the National Meteorological Research Center (Toulouse) wish to work together on a better understanding of processes and values reviews of certain variables that may or may not favor the dissipation of so-called adiabatic mists.The dissipation of continental fogs is an important phase because it often takes place during the day, therefore over a period of the day when human activit...
5 January 2022
The Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry at PSI currently offers multiple open positions on experimental aerosol research.They are:PhD position on aviation emissions at airports ( experimental campaigns at Zurich airport using a wide range of aerosol instrumentation (Neutral cluster and Air Ion Spectrometer, particle size spectrometers and chemical mass spectrometers)Statistical analysis and interpretation of complex and large d...
5 January 2022
Frontiers in Experimental Research on Changing Environments which will be held between 7–9 June 2022 in Leipzig / Bad-Lauchstädt, Germany, is accepting abstracts.Submission Deadline: 31 January 2022.TopicsLand-use impactsClimate change impactsPollution effects and nutrient depositionContext dependencies and interactions among driversEcosystems of the future: modelling and projectionsAbstracts to be:lecture or poster presentationscopied or written in a form field3,200 characters including blanks;...
3 January 2022
The background, current status and future perspectives of eLTER RI and the European environmental research infrastructures were presented to a wide audience of young scientists in Earth system research by professor Jaana Bäck (eLTER PLUS coordinator) from University of Helsinki on November 18, 2021.The Young Scientist School (YSS) on “Multi–Scales and–Processes Integrated Modelling, Observations and Assessment for Environmental Applications” was organized in memory of distinguished professor Ser...
2 November 2021
"Frontiers in Soil Science" announced a call for articles for its special issue on "Greenhouse gas measurements in underrepresented areas of the world".  The submission deadline is 24 March 2022. This Research Topic aims at facilitating the communication of results from studies that have measured or estimated greenhouse gas fluxes and budgets in underrepresented areas or the world. Submission of original research articles focused on the following themes, both from natural and anthropog...
2 November 2021
The Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH Zurich and the Paul Scherrer Institute invite applications for a joint professorship in Aerosol Chemistry. The new professor will act as Head of the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry at PSI. The successful candidate, an internationally renowned expert in the field of aerosol chemistry, will head the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry and will further advance the laboratory’s expertise in the investigation of atmospheric aerosol chemi...