Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research


17 July 2022
eLTER would like to welcome three new people to its Head Office: Claudia Schuetze, Charlotte Wiederkehr and Uta Koedel.Claudia Schuetze has her background in physics and geophysics and held a professorship in electrical engineering. She has worked for the UFZ since 2009 and coordinated several geophysical research projects. Since 2017 she has led the implementation and coordination of the MOSES RI (Modular Observation Solutions for Earth Systems) of the German Helmholtz Community. This rese...
17 July 2022
The ILTER scientific conference will take place this year in Novi Sad, Serbia, 12-14 October, 2022. The conference will be open to all interested parties. It will be held side-by-side with the annual ILTER Coordinating Committee meeting. CC members will receive a separate message regarding that meeting.Each presenting author will be required to register for the conference. The Website address for registration will be distributed in due time. The registration fee (stated in Euros, including local...
15 July 2022
SITES (Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science) is a national infrastructure for terrestrial and limnological field research that partners with eLTER.SITES aims to promote high-quality research through long-term field measurements and field experiments, and by making data and station access available to researchers, regardless of institution. The core of SITES is nine field research stations that represent a variety of Swedish climate zones and ecosystems, including agricultural land, fores...
14 July 2022
Around 400 scientists visited the ENVRI booth during the EGU 2022 event in Vienna, lasting from 23 to 27 May. This marks a significant increase from the last physical EGU event where the booth was also visited by 400 people. However, this year the on site participants were over 2 times fewer than in 2019.eLTER was presented by its head of communication Kaloyan Konstantinov who was offering information about the RI, our brand new brochure, and a number of ENVRI goodies like a coloring book, Rubik...
14 July 2022
The SOILSERV ANR project conducted from 2017-2021 combined biophysical and socio-economic approaches to assess at different spatial scales ecosystem services of agricultural soils within mixed agroecosystems involving crops, livestock and uncultivated areas and to analyse their economic valuation in farmers’ choices or their consideration in territory planning. To address the various scales, the project relied on three main study sites selected as they offer sound existing preliminary infor...
12 July 2022
Dr Jan Dick is a social ecologist at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH), a member of the LTER-UK’s Environmental Change Network (ECN) team and an active contributor to eLTER. Jan gave a talk recently, during which she described UKCEH's interest in using passive acoustic monitoring techniques. She was speaking at the UK Acoustic Network's symposium in Manchester (15-16 June 2022).Jan presented work by eLTER that aims to define a set of standard observations and associated methods,...
10 July 2022
The first BioDT webinar presents the project's objectives and goals, and its interaction with the LUMI Supercomputer, fundamental for building its modelling and simulation capabilities. The discussion will pave the way for the four BioDT use case groups and how their development can help scientists in predicting future trends in the biodiversity field. The event gives also the opportunity to meet the people behind the project and to interact with them during a poll session and a panel...
10 July 2022
A seminar on acacia trees and water in the southern Arava was held on 31.3.2022, at the Eilot Branch of the Dead Sea and Arava Science Center (DSASC). The seminar was part of an environmental educational project "Water in the Desert", with the support of KKL, Eilot Regional Council and the DSASC.The seminar was attended by about 50 participants, including KKL representatives, scientists, various stakeholders and local audience. During the seminar, we enjoyed fascinating lectures about acacias gi...
8 July 2022
The Brazil-France Bilateral Thematic Project "BIOgenic emissions, chemistry and impacts in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo: BIOMASP+" (process 2020/07141-2) offers a post-doc fellowship to study local emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) and atmospheric concentrations in urban forests, contributing to advances in the understanding of the local photochemical processes and their potential interactions and impacts in polluted regions.The researcher will be based in the Instit...
7 July 2022
On 15 May, a team from the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology jointly hosted an event (with Dundee University) in Kincraig as part of the Cairngorms Nature Big Weekend. The event aimed to show people some of the scientific research that takes place in the Cairngorms National Park. Aimed at all age groups, it was an opportunity for people to contribute their own ideas about the research needed in the park.Environmental Change Network monitoring at the Cairngorms ECN site was among the activiti...